
Paradigm shift in the spiritual realm
Paradigm shift in the spiritual realm

I am willing to unlearn what no longer serves me. May my mind be cleansed from conditioning and gently opened to the light of love. Invocation: “Through divine grace and unconditional love, I open my mind to the higher truth of love. Trust, for something helpful and empowering is happening in your soul.” Dare to think thoughts of love rather than lower your vibration by choosing thoughts of fear.

paradigm shift in the spiritual realm

Accept the accelerated mental shift happening for you, even if it creates temporary uncertainty or discomfort.


You are encouraged by the Universe to embrace the power you have to be a free thinker. Your confusion will soon transform into joy at discovering that you are free and have no reason to be afraid. If you find yourself questioning the views in mass media or spoken in the conversations that those around you are having, take heart and know that you are awakening from a fear-based world into a love-filled reality. As you trust the unexpected and unknown, the Universe will be able to help you in unexpected and previously unknown ways. You are a bit like a traveler in a new city feeling awkward until she gets the ‘lay of the land’ and how things operate in that new place. You are stepping beyond what you have known. You will find yourself shedding old limits, fears and misconceptions. This will bring you new perceptions that will free you to be in the world in new ways. If you are feeling that you don’t really know yourself, your relationships or your place in the world as you once did – if you are feeling that what you once held to be certain now seems to be a little shaky – these are signs that you are going through a paradigm shift. Suddenly, you are receptive to the Universe helping you in ways that, in the past, you did not believe possible – all because you kept an open mind. Yet life becomes much more energizing and interesting when you are open and don’t hold expectations about what will be. Asking someone with a lot of life experience, who may have become a bit world-weary, to drop expectations and look at the world through fresh eyes can be challenging. Old souls can sometimes find it hard to recapture their ‘not knowingness’. There is openness to the unknown with curiosity instead. It doesn’t get stuck on an answer having to be one way. A spiritual psychologist might call this the ‘inner child,’ as it is innocent, curious, unfixed and always learning. “Buddhists sometimes speak of the ‘beginner’s mind’ – that which assumes nothing and therefore is open to everything. The world you thought you knew can suddenly break open, and a new world can become your reality.” Great leaps forward can be made in a moment. Now is the time to challenge old attitudes and question previous expectations. Paradigm Shift: “You are undergoing radical growth in your belief systems. All aspects are locked into the new paradigm: past, present and future realities, your multi-dimensional selves, etc.Paradigm Shift, from the Lightworker Oracle, by Alana Fairchild, artwork by Mario Duguayĭaily Angel Oracle Card: Paradigm Shift, from the Lightworker Oracle, by Alana Fairchild, artwork by Mario Duguay She works with your guides and the angelic realm to set up your new desired reality. By unplugging your previous, unnecessary belief systems, whether they were created in a past life, your family history, DNA or in this lifetime you will be free to take a quantum leap forward on your desired path.Ĭarol then sets the framework for your new paradigm. In this session you will clearly define your existing paradigm with Carol. It is a radical change of our fundamental and underlying beliefs or theories conscious and unconscious views of reality. When a frame of reference changes it is called a paradigm shift. What we perceive, whether normal or abnormal, conscious or unconscious, is subject to the limitations and distortions produced by our inherited and socially conditional nature.

paradigm shift in the spiritual realm

The paradigm we use depends on what we believe is reliable and true. We all look at the world around us in accordance with a certain paradigm.

paradigm shift in the spiritual realm

They are not the truth but rather models of reality. Paradigms provide a frame of reference for living.

paradigm shift in the spiritual realm

Paradigm defined is "the totality of thoughts, perceptions and values that form a particular vision of reality, a vision that is the basis of the way a person or society organizes itself."

Paradigm shift in the spiritual realm